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Downloads: Licence & Usage Permissions

All download files are completely free, although you are welcome to make a donation. In most cases copyright is held by MediaCollege.com, but there are no royalties and most files can be used in both non-commercial and commercial projects without any restrictions or obligations. For more information, look for a "Permission" link next to the file you want to download.

IMPORTANT: You may not re-distribute any copyright files downloaded from MediaCollege.com (e.g. you cannot make them available for download on your website, or create a CD for distribution).

Types of Permission

Full The file is completely free of royalties and other commitments. You have permission to use the file in any legal manner, including commercial media production (video, audio, games, music, etc). The only exception is that you must not re-distribute the original files. Credit to MediaCollege.com is appreciated but not required.
Public Domain The file has no restrictions at all.
Personal Use The file may be used for personal and family productions but only for private viewing, i.e. not for public release, public YouTube videos, etc.
Fair Use It is believed that the file can be used for the purposes of commentary, parody, etc. Please note that "fair use" laws vary between countries and they are often interpreted subjectively. Proceed with caution.
Unverified We believe the file is available for general use but we can't be 100% sure. Proceed with caution.